Welcome to the Law Career Community! At Emory, our law coaching provides a comprehensive and supportive approach to help students navigate the law school application process while incorporating essential career development principles. Choosing to pursue a legal career is a significant decision that involves thorough self-exploration, career exploration, and strategic planning. We assist you through each stage: from identifying your career goals and exploring various legal fields, to creating and implementing a personalized plan for law school and beyond. Our resources include events such as panel discussions, law school networking nights, and workshops, which offer insights into diverse legal careers and practice areas. Whether you’re interested in becoming a corporate lawyer, public defender, environmental attorney, or any other type of legal professional, our 1:1 coaching and mentoring will equip you with the knowledge and confidence needed to excel in the law school admissions process and thrive in your legal career. Explore the possibilities within the legal field and start your journey toward a fulfilling career in law with us!
Here are some helpful resources to learn more about careers in Law:
NALP – National Association for Law Placement | Prelaw Portal
The Law School Admission Council | LSAC
Pre-Law (americanbar.org)
Current student: https://forms.office.com/r/ktyegXyhY8?origin=lprLink