CPD Document Critique Services

Career and Professional Development provides document critique services to undergraduate students and alumni within 2 years of graduation from the Emory College of Arts and Sciences*.


Resumes and cover letters have a turnaround time of 5 – 7 business days, not including the business day on which the document was submitted. In busier times, return times may be slightly longer. Therefore, please plan accordingly to ensure that you submit your document with enough time to spare before any impending deadlines.

Personal statements and other essays will be returned within 5 business days, not including the business day on which the document was submitted. In busier times, return times may be slightly longer. Therefore, please plan accordingly to ensure that you submit your document with enough time to spare before any impending deadlines. Statement critiques are for content only, not major grammar or other basic writing critiques. Students who feel they may need help with more fundamental writing skills should make use of The Writing Center before submitting their statements to our service. Please note that The Career Center does not critique writing samples for job applications.

*Please note that use of the Service for review of documents being used for law school applications is not restricted to Emory College students. All students and alumni may use the Critique Service for the purpose of law school applications.

Career and Professional Development provides document critique services to undergraduate students and alumni within 2 years of graduation from the Emory College of Arts and Sciences

Upload your document

Career and Professional Development provides document critique services to undergraduate students and alumni within 2 years of graduation from the Emory College of Arts and Sciences

Upload your document

Career and Professional Development provides document critique services to undergraduate students and alumni within 2 years of graduation from the Emory College of Arts and Sciences

Upload your document

  • Resume
  • Personal Statement