Career Exploration begins with Assessment

No specific assessment can tell you what career to pursue. However, career counselors are trained to interpret self-assessments to assist you in determining further information you’ll need to narrow down choices – including detailed descriptions of occupations, industry research, and by identifying alumni and other helpful professionals who can help you to explore a “day in the life.”

All of these can often bring greater clarity to understanding which future career pathways you might like to pursue.

To get started, make an appointment with your career counselor to discuss how the self-assessment process can facilitate your career exploration.


Assessments by Type

  • Personality
  • Skill
  • Values
  • Interests
  • The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a personality questionnaire designed to identify certain psychological differences according to typological theories. Students must meet with a counselor before beginning the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment. Counselors use student type indicators to connect personalities preferences to potential career pathways.Directions for taking the assessment will be distributed to the student after the initial meeting with your designated counselor. There is no charge for current students, however, students that miss their appointment to review the results will be billed a scoring assessment charge of $40.
  • Motivated Skills Card Sort Exercise offers a quick and easy way to identify the motivated skills that are central to personal and career satisfaction and success. Based on experience, feedback and instinct, the student uses the cards to assess his or her proficiency and motivation in 48 transferable skills areas.The U.S. Department of Labor’s CareerOneStop offers a variety of self-assessments online at no charge, including:
  • Career Values Card Sort Exercise is a simple tool that allows students to prioritize their values. Fifty-four variables of work satisfaction are listed and described. This as an effective tool for job seekers, those fine-tuning their present jobs and career changers at all ages and stages.
  • The Strong Interest Inventory (SII) is a psychological test used in career assessment or educational guidance to show how certain interests compare with the interests of people successfully employed in specific occupations. Students must meet with a counselor before beginning the Strong Interest Inventory assessment. Directions for taking the assessment will be distributed to the student after the initial meeting with your designated counselor.



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B. Jones Center, 2nd Floor
Atlanta, Georgia, 30322

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M-F  8:30am – 5:00pm

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