The interview is one of the most important elements in the job search process.
The job interview is a strategic conversation with a purpose.
Your goal is to show the employer that you have the skills, background, and ability to do the job and that you can successfully fit into the organization and its culture.
The interview is also your opportunity to gather information about the job, the organization, and future career opportunities to figure out if the position and work environment are right for you.
Remember, most employees do not hire people based on merit alone.
Personality, confidence, enthusiasm, a positive outlook, and excellent interpersonal and communication skills count heavily in the selection process.
Even though it may not seem like it, interviewing is a skill set like any other skill set. As you practice, these conversations become easier.
To get started, see our resources below or schedule a practice interview with one of our career counselors through the Appointments tab in Handshake.